Technical University of Denmark
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The PALSfit Helpers

PALSfit Spectrum Simulator

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PALSfit Spectrum Manipulator

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PALSsim can simulate one or a series of PALS spectra, based on PALS parameters such as general spectrum parameters, resolution functions and lifetime components optionally including broadening.

PALSfile contains two modules:

The "Spectrum adder/collector", which collects a list of PALSfit spectra from one or more spectrum files, and save them in one new spectrum file, optionally appending the sum of the spectra in the list,

and The "Spectrum converter", that reads a spectrum from any of several different forms, and converts it to a PALSfit standard spectrum file.


You may download the PALSsim program here: PALSsim version 1.44

Save it in the same folder, where you have saved the PALSfit3 program.

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You may download the PALSfile program here: PALSfile version 1.50

Save it in the same folder, where you have saved the PALSfit3 program.

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A contemporary edition of PATFIT called PATFIT19 is available for free. It is roughly equivalent to PALSfit3 but without its graphical user interface.
It might be useful in tests and for batch processing.

You may download the PATFIT19 package (zip-compressed) here (copy the folder or extract the content to a separate folder e.g. C:\PATFIT19\).

A short description of the use of the programs in the package is avalable here


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The newest version of PALSfit3 is available here: PALSfit3 version 3.251
NB! For licensed users only.

Jens V. Olsen, Peter Kirkegaard and Morten Eldrup
Technical University of Denmark


Webmaster 5. december 2022